The city of Berkeley, California has
always been known to be a little left of center, but they
stepped over the line when they actively endorsed the
activity of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Some of the good
guys out there in Berkeley started up an organization
known as
A U.S. Special Ops soldier sent
BerkeleyBoycott this picture of him holding a 105mm
Howitzer round about to be loaded onto an AC-130
gunship. What is that writing on the shell?

While the cowards and traitors in Berkeley
marched in support of terror, brave US soldiers were and
are around the world fighting to protect this country.
These pictures were sent to them by a member of the US Air
Force's Special Operations unit that works on the AC-130
gunships (and he assured them that he spelled "berkeleyboycott"
with two t's). Clearly, US soldiers know how to hit back
at Berkeley. And thanks to this
supporter, Berkeley finally got to participate in
defending the United States. Congratulations, Berkeley,
whether you like it or not (and we all know you don't),
you're finally on the right side of this war, at least for
one shot!
And this is where that 105mm round, paid for by the good
citizens of Berkeley, CA, went right before it was used to
kill Berkeley's beloved terrorists:

And, dear Berkeley residents, here is the
"after" picture, once YOUR 105mm was fired upon the
terrorist scum, sending them to Allah:

To see the 105mm Howitzer and AC130 in action, go to: |