Below are a few pictures a friend sent
me if you are interested. Interesting story too.
This happened last night somewhere outside of Columbus.
The guy that took the pictures is a Dane County deputy.
--Marty J Pesek "I found these
two bucks locked up around midnight last night. At first I
thought the smaller one was dead as it was down and other
one was standing. At times the bigger one would toss the
smaller one around like a rag doll. Amazing strength. I
found the smaller one was very much alive and at times
would get up and try to toss the big one around.
Obviously if we didn't do something they
both were going to die. When both were on the ground I
had a good look at the smaller buck's antler that was
locked with the big one (only one rack of each were
locked). I had an opportunity to try to shoot the rack and
not hit either buck and my .45 hit home. The
antler picture is of the one I shot off and it's laying on
the warden's hood. After the shot, both bucks bolted in
opposite directions. I couldn't believe they were able to
run like that as exhausted as they were. What a
cool night."

Thanks to John Marden for sending me
this gem... |