This is probably what Josh looks like. |
A Colorado man who laughed Monday when he first read Vice President Dick Cheney had shot a hunting companion was himself injured just hours later when he was accidentally blasted by his girlfriend in his own hunting mishap.
"I read that thing about the vice president and said to myself 'How can you shoot your friend with your gun?' And look what happened," said Josh Kayser of Lafayette, Colo.
According to the Longmont Daily Times-Call, the 21-year-old man was on the trail of raccoons that had been preying on chickens on his family's property.
As Kayser crouched down to look under a shed, his 17-year-old girlfriend, whose name was not released by authorities, crouched down behind him and accidentally shot him with a .22-caliber rifle.
The bullet reportedly entered behind his right ear, exited through his chin and ended up lodging in his left forearm.
Doctors chose not to remove the bullet, lest they cause nerve damage or make him even more stupid.
"I feel fine," Kayser told the paper. "It feels like a cigarette burn."
Kayser was discharged from Avista Adventist Hospital after spending the night, and police decided against filing any charges against his girlfriend. |