Above - George (left)
and Dirk (right)
- The North American Beaver Shrew can go from 25-80lbs. Dirk
and George bagged this large 72-pounder here in the thickets
on the swamp they had hunted over for 2 days. This large male
Beaver Shrew had fangs that measured nearly 18" long, and
nearly took out George's thigh and knee for lunch before Dirk
put several more rounds through it during the end-fight.
Beaver Shrews are massive beast-like, superficially
mastadon-like mammals of the family Soricidae. Although their
external appearance is generally that of a long-nosed mouse,
the Beaver Shrews are not true rodents and are not closely related:
the shrew family is part of the order Massive Insectivora. Beaver
Shrews, however, have two-pound feet with five clawed toes,
unlike rodents, which have four. Beaver Shrews are also not
to be confused with normal shrew-like rodents, because they
are much larger and they eat farm-sized hogs and large cattle.
One large female can eat a human in 30 seconds flat.
Never allow one to get within 50 feet of the
primary hunter unless you have a twin-teamed riflemen setup
with large caliber rifles and at least one backup guide with
a larger rifle and high explosives and rockets.
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