Once upon a time, there was a
charismatic and eloquent young leader who decided his
nation needed a change, and he was the one to implement it.
The people were receptive and ready
for a change. He spoke passionately when denouncing the
existing system and the press loved him.
Nobody questioned what he believed
in or who his friends were. He would help the poor and
bring free medical care and education to all. He would bring
justice and equality.
He said, "I am for hope and
change, and will bring you both." Nobody
bothered to ask about the change, so by the time the
executioner's guns went silent, all other guns had been confiscated.
When everyone was finally equal,
they were equally poor, hungry, and miserable. Their
free education was worthless. When the change was fully
implemented, the country had been reduced to Third World
status. More than a million people fled in small boats and rafts.
The charismatic young leader was
Fidel Castro;
the nation: Cuba.
The citizens of the United States of America
would never fall for a charismatic, eloquent young leader
who promises hope and change without asking; "What change, and how much will it cost us?"
Would we?
