presidential front-runner John Kerry can't seem to
put that knotty Botox issue to rest.
Two prominent New York plastic surgeons
- after examining "before" and "after" photos posted on
the Drudge Report - told Lowdown yesterday that Kerry
exhibits all the signs of a Botox injection.
"Not only is it Botox, but it's classic
bad Botox," said Dr. Michael Kane, a surgeon in
private practice.
"His forehead is just way too smooth. It
looks weird. It's a bizarre appearance that he's got not a
wrinkle. That doesn't happen to 60-year-olds."
Dr. Gerald Ember,
an attending plastic surgeon at New York Presbyterian
Hospital, agreed.
"The pictures ... show a marked absence
of the horizontal lines of the forehead and wrinkles
between the eyes. Only Botox or a forehead lift would do
this," he said. "And I say good for him!"

