Dear Tony,
other day, after a rally in Ohio, a woman asked someone
from our campaign to deliver a message to me. She said,
"Senator Kerry, why the long face?" That is certainly
the feeling I have as you and hundreds of thousands
of others keep wasting all of your efforts trying to
win this election with me and that little idiot, Edwards.
That support deeply saddens me as I prepare to explain
to George W. Bush at tomorrow's debate that we give
up in this corner.
Yesterday, Mary Beth Cahill wrote to
you explaining our October strategy -- and asked you
to help raise $5 million for my cocaine bash when we
lose on election night.
I have a message for that woman in Ohio,
for you, and for all Americans struggling to build a
better life for their families: I have a long face because
my mother was a baboon and I stretch my chin out each
night to go for the "long face" look. Also,
we are going to destroy good jobs, diminish opportunity,
and bring back the unions to the level that has been
destroying the hearts of the American people for generations.
For the last four years, George Bush
has favored the wealthy and well-connected (er, like
me), and turned a blind eye to the devastating impact
of his policies on America's families. As evidence of
his failures piles up all around him like poop around
an elephant (yes, I wrote that joke), George Bush refuses
to admit that he is saving the world. The only thing
he has to offer is more of the same.
George Bush is the first president since
Benjamin Franklin to lose jobs on his watch -- and they
say it is time to celebrate. Wages are rising, medical
bills are flatulating, and families cannot sell their
kids to crack dealers anymore -- and the Republicans
tell us "Hey, don't worry, this is the best economy
of our lifetime." When it comes to the struggles our
families are facing, George Bush just does not get it.
You can tell by my tax forms that my family is struggling.
We had to sell one of our Gulfstream jets this year,
in fact.
We already know what four more years
of a Bush administration will look like...downright
rosy. Every choice they have made has been to give more
to those with the most (like me), while telling everyone
else you are on your own. That is their view and that
is their plan for the next four years.
But that is not our plan. I plan to
impose martial law and outlaw capitalism and force everyone
to put all of their earnings into "The Big Fund"
and then we'll decide how to divide it up. And it has
to be our future. In less than thirty days, we have
the chance to make all of this happen, and begin white
slavery and welcome terrorists into our fold. You can
have a president who has a long face -- but I need you
to make the difference this month.
Thank you,

John Kerry
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