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Childhood Matchbook Collection
As kids, my sister Teri and I had the privilege
of being taken on quite a few trips around the U.S. and
even internationally. Usually it was for Rotary International
conventions that my Mom and Dad were attending and made into
great family trips. Some incredible experiences! Every
place I went, they usually had free matchbooks for the
taking, so I nabbed them, of course. What little boy wouldn't?
The majority of these were acquired by me personally,
but Mom and Dad would always bring home new ones on trips
that they took, to bolster my collection. They were just
stored away all these years, and even my best friend Ben
hadn't seen these until just last weekend when he was
up for a visit! I counted them as I put them away after
photographing them and there are 514 of them. There are
some duplicates, so I estimate that there are probably
460 unique matchbooks in this collection. A nice high
resolution version is here if you want to scroll around
and see them all. Lots are from Duluth restaurants that
are out of business now, and several airlines like Western,
Eastern, North Central Airlines and Braniff are in there.
Nice eye candy!
January 27, 2006 |