A psychiatrist, Patrick Smallwood, M.D., contacted me in regard to the two PETA photos I have posted on my website under my Humor section. His observation about Hunters and Photographers was so enlightening, I had to pass it on…PETA Kills Animals, ahem...
(send Patrick an email about this! LOL!!!)
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 20:04:45 -0400
From: Patrick Smallwood (patricksmallwood@charter.net)
To: tony@tonyrogers.com
As a psychiatrist, I find that both hunters and the photographers to be deeply disturbed and morally bankrupt. Sadly, they find these behaviors ego syntonic (sic) and as such, this level of pathology is highly resistant to treatment. While you may or may not respect PETA, please have the human decency to respect life and not to give a forum for these hunters’ depraved behavior.


http://tonyrogers.com/humor/petarabbits.htm |