the heresy of skwerlhuggery and the threat of squirrel
world domination infiltrates all levels and aspects of our
daily lives.
One of the cruelest attacks by the bushytail horde is on
the sanctity of beer.
and why would the maniacal skwerlballs do such a thing? By
using beer to seduce the human race into accepting the
false promises of squirrel world domination via the
"beer goggles" effect.
That is, the chitterboxes aim to get innocent folks drunk,
convince them that skwerls are nice and that skwerlhuggery
is a preferred life-style.
Of course, Scary Squirrel World was the first to expose
this insidious plot by tracking down and exposing the
truth behind the most notorious beer-associated skwerl of
all, Cheap Beer Squirrel (pictured below, left).
in-depth investigation culminated in a shocking confession
from the skwerlhugger who took Cheap Beer Squirrel's
photo, Ms. Betty France.
We also issued a dire warning to the world to save our
beer from skwerlien influence and published numerous
follow-ups exposing the plot in action.
For the most part, Patriots responded by pledging to be
ever-vigilant for nutzy shenanigans in bars, liquor
stores, restaurants and anywhere beer is found.
Unfortunately, there are still those who find themselves
lured into the depths of skwerlhuggery by skwerls and
Consider, Patriots, the sad story and fate of skwerlhugger
Pete Dale. Mr. Dale befriended a slavering nutzy with a
penchant for really cheap beer in his seemingly
staid, English garden. Afterwards, skwerlhugger Pete's
life spiraled out of control into a fog of booze and
peanuts. In the end he lost everything, even his
scary squirrel world,
Hope this photo makes someone smile. (It was) taken some
time ago now, in the 90's in our garden (UK) and was not
taken with a digital camera or a zoom. They (the
squirrels) are/were wild and visited our garden everyday
for food. I even built an oversized box placed high on a
tree so that I could observe them. There were many

Really Cheap Beer
Squirrel photo courtesy Pete Dale
that time there was a documentary on TV about the grey
squirrel and showing off their intelligence they even
constructed an assault course with the theme music from
"Mission Impossible" (click
here for video clip - windows media - 1.3mb). Then
along came an advertisement on TV for this make of beer
with the slogan "I bet he drinks Carlings Black
Label". So that gave me the idea to take the photo.
I did send a copy to the beer company at the time but
they were not interested at all.
I do like squirrels and miss them. We now moved from the
UK and live in rural France. Although we have a large
woodland garden I have only seen one Red Squirrel at a
~ Pete Dale
one need only read between the lines to discern what really
happened to skwerlhugger Pete: clearly, the incessant
demands of his skwerlien overlords for more beer, more
peanuts and even more beer coupled with threats of
horrific consequences for noncompliance forced Mr. Dale to
flee with his family to a foreign country where he's
reduced to drinking wine... while the sweet taste of cheap
beer is but a faded memory.
Of course, it's heartening to note that the brewers of
Carlings rejected the attempt to promote squirrel world
domination via it's delectable, albeit cheap elixir.
Unfortunately, other breweries have either ignorantly or
knowingly sided with the bushytail horde's plans to turn
beer drinkers into bibulous minions of skwerlhuggery. The
most recent and shameful by Ireland's Guinness Brewery.
capitulation came in the form of a commercial purporting
to reveal the meaning of life called The Dreamer.
Unfortunately, the Dreamer's vision is corrupted by the
presence of a stout-guzzling skwerl (click skwerl for
video - windows media - 1.8mb).
All this leads to an obvious conclusion: we must remain
ever-vigilant and forever diligent in our righteous
struggle to preserve not only the purity of our beer, but
the whole of civilization... If not, how long before we
find ourselves toiling in orchards to supply the drooling
skwerlballs with almonds for their liqueurs... |