Texas (AP) -- A student who drank a chemical from his
high school lab on a dare was recovering in a hospital,
but not before a scare.
The student drank the unidentified chemical
on a bet at the school, said Nancy Smith, a UMC supervisor.
"We need to find out what it was
from the toxicologist," Assistant Principal Ray
Lascano said. "All of those materials belonged
to one of the chemistry labs."
The student was found last Wednesday
in a school hallway, bleeding from the nose and mouth.
The unidentified student, a junior at
Odessa High School, was upgraded Monday from critical
to satisfactory condition at University Medical Center
in Lubbock.
Lascano, who talked with the youth's
mother Monday afternoon, said swelling in his throat
had receded enough for him to talk. The student was
moved from the Lubbock hospital's intensive-care unit
to the pediatric unit, he said.
Lascano said Ector County Independent
School District officials were still investigating.