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Archive Photos of My Sister and Me, Early
1970's |

Tony's first day
of school (above). Kindergarten...I believe, judging
by the note pinned to me saying who I am and where I
am supposed to go. I think the perspective of this
image makes me look taller than I really was back
then. I'm probably less than 4 feet tall then. |
Tony and sister
Teri (above). I must be about six or seven years
old. Nice dress, Teri! She must have been going to a
Jim Croce concert later that night. That pine tree
behind my head is about 50 feet tall, now (2004). |
Tony and Teri and
a little tyke named Chris, who was the son of a
young foster girl who lived with us that year. We
are sitting on the bumber of one of the very first
Honda Civic CVCC cars that were imported into the
country. Note the Dealer plate. It was the early
1970's, so I understand the "peace" signs
I am making, but the thing with the nose is weird.
And you gotta love my pants...I look like a little
used car salesman. |