Toneman Elvis and Mike Elvis... |
Christopher Raabe, running WAY in front by us at mile 18. He won at: 2:15:13. |
Bib F18 is not in the results database... |
Tony Meyers on the right (59). I'm going from the Grandma's Marathon Results, and not every number is available for results! |
Elvis, Bib Number 1, finished at 11:15am and
walked up the trail back home... |
Mary and Nancy, grooving to our Elvis music! |
Roland and Kim, doing a great job of
keeping the runners running |
Jenna Boren, F9 |
Elvis, Bib Number 2, Roland! |
Victoria Ganushina |
Anne-Marie Byrne |
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Shelly Larson, F17 |
Emily Kraus, F46 |
The 3:10 Pacesetting Group! |
The 3:10 Pacesetting Group!
Go, Jenna, Go! |
Amy Botnen, 2846 |
Butch Bolton, 4876,
and Maggie Donnelly, F291
Laurie Hanscom, F40 |
Unknown happy runner (left), then Bryan Frye (5035), and Jacqueline Romano (F1762)
Sara Kohn (F106) and John Hitter (5201) |
Elvis #1 showing the way to Graceland...
The 3:20 Pacesetting Group! |
The 3:20 Pacesetting Group!
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Gretchen Amundson, F1428 |
Kim, Roland, Colleen, Nancy, Mary and Mike |
Same lineup, once again...
This runner gave us a huge "high-five" and I missed it, so I just got her going away... |
Look at the accelleration going on here!
That is Monique Delong on the right (F1434) |
The 3:30 Running Time Pace Setters!
The 3:30 Running Time Pace Setters! |
The 3:30 Running Time Pace Setters!
The 3:30 Running Time Pace Setters! |
The 3:30 Running Time Pace Setters!
Cherie Vinson, F3144 |
Jessica Kelly, F3213 |
Victoria Nill, F2099
(Funnest facial expression ever!
Victoria is having fun right now!)
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Melissa Bruhl, F1150 |
Lots of Elvis, still clapping
Traci Amundson, F2818 |
Guys looking for beer! |
April Flickinger, F1835,
and Danielle Kurtzleben (F3243)
F2551 - Ann Monaghan |
Elvis Mike |
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I am so sorry, she through up. I made sure I did not have the actual vomit image. I am sorry. |
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