Sunrise on Saturday morning at the Garand
National Match. |
The Garand National Match Firing
Line. |
John Marden keeping score for brother
Steve. |
Steve Marden with his M-1 Garand rifle at
the base HQ. |
Yours truly with my M-1 Garand rifle at
the base HQ. We carried our rifles with us whether we
were going to a match or just for breakfast, just
because we could. |
Steve firing the 20 shots standing, the
third stage of the event. |
Steve prepping his rifle for the rapid
fire prone stage. |
It was blistering hot - about 90 degrees
and humid. |
Steve firing the first stage of ten shots
slow fire prone. |
Steve and John in the pits, scoring
targets. The bullets zip over about 4 feet above the
bunker rim. I was tall enough to put my hand into the
firing line if I really wanted to. I didn't. |
Yours truly prepping before the rapid
fire stage. You can see my two clips of ammo ready to go
at my side. The targets are at 200 yards. |
Still prepping, just making sure I have a
good firing position. They give you 4 minutes of prep
time before each stage, and you use it for all it is
worth. |
Cleaning rifles at the huts after the
match. |
Cleaning rifles at the huts after the
match. |