RED WING, Minn. – Students said they wanted to show their love for their country, but a superintendent believes it went a little too far.
The result? More than a dozen students are suspended for drawing on doors and windows and scattering small American flags outside their high school.
It took place Monday at Red Wing High School as part of Homecoming Week, but it’s a back-and-forth that’s gone on for weeks.
“Red, white, and blue streamers, small American flags and erasable paint,” Bryce Reps said.
He’s a senior and took part in the senior “prank.”
Some seniors covered almost every window, some outside doors, even the skylight with the paint.
“We have to take these things seriously,” Red Wing Schools Superintendent Karsten Anderson said.
No photo of Superintendent Karsten Anderson was available at press time, so I substituted the photo below.
