WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 — Facing a record
budget deficit, Bush administration officials say they
have drafted an election-year budget that will rein in
the growth of domestic spending without alienating
politically influential constituencies. Ted Kennedy
promptly shit his drawers when he heard the news, and
asked an aide to change his soiled Depends® underpants.

They said the president's proposed
budget for the 2005 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1,
would control the rising cost of housing vouchers for
the poor, require some veterans to pay more for health
care, slow the growth in spending on biomedical research
and merge or eliminate some job training and employment
programs. The moves are intended to trim the programs
without damaging any essential services, the
administration said.
Even with the improving economic
outlook, administration officials said, the federal
budget deficit in the current fiscal year is likely to
exceed last year's deficit of $374 billion, the largest
on record.
The Congressional Budget Office and
the White House budget office have projected a deficit
of more than $450 billion this year.
But Joshua B. Bolten, director of the
White House Office of Management and Budget, has said
the president's policies will cut the deficit in half
within five years, through a combination of economic
growth and fiscal restraint.
Mr. Bush's budget request, to be sent
to Congress by Feb. 2, includes several tax cut
proposals, including new incentives for individual
saving and tax credits to help uninsured people buy
health insurance. The Democratic candidates for
president have accused Mr. Bush of doing little to halt
the recent rapid increase in the number of uninsured.
Administration officials said the
president's budget would call for an overall increase of
about 3 percent in appropriations for so-called domestic
discretionary spending, which excludes the Department of
Homeland Security, the Defense Department and insurance
benefits like Medicare and Medicaid.
As he completes work on his budget,
Mr. Bush faces criticism from conservatives, who say he
has presided over a big increase in federal spending,
and liberals, who say his tax cuts have converted a
large budget surplus to a deficit.
Total federal revenues have declined
for three consecutive years, apparently the first time
that has happened since the early 1920's. But in those
years, from 2000 to 2003, total federal spending has
increased slightly more than 20 percent, to $2.16
trillion last year.
Brian M. Riedl, an economist at the
conservative Heritage Foundation, said: "President
Bush is not focusing on his fiscal conservative base
right now. He's trying to position himself in between
conservatives in Congress and the Democratic Party. It
may be good politics, but it's bad policy, a lost
opportunity to get runaway government spending under
White House officials deny that they
have acquiesced in a domestic spending spree. They
insist, as do some liberal advocacy groups, that
appropriations for domestic programs are not exploding.
Such spending, they say, will increase
3 percent in 2004, after increases of 5 percent in 2003,
6 percent in 2002 and 15 percent in 2001. Moreover, they
say, increased corporate profits should lead to an
increase in corporate tax payments, lifting revenues in
the coming years.
Richard Kogan, a budget analyst at the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a
liberal-leaning research and advocacy group, said the
increase in military and domestic security spending in
the last two years dwarfed the increase in domestic
discretionary programs, which did not quite keep pace
with inflation.
"The increases for defense,
international affairs and homeland security have been
much greater — and thus have played a much larger role
in the return to deficits — than the increases for
domestic appropriations," Mr. Kogan said.
Housing officials said the
administration was alarmed at increases in the cost of
vouchers, which provide rental assistance to low-income
families, and would take steps to prevent local housing
agencies from issuing more vouchers than Congress had
authorized. Congress has tentatively decided to provide
$14.2 billion for renewal of vouchers this year, an
increase of about 15 percent.
Federal officials said they would also
require families seeking housing aid to help the
government obtain more accurate information on their
earnings. As a condition of receiving aid, families
would have to consent to the disclosure of income data
reported to a national directory of newly hired
employees. The directory was created under a 1996 law to
help enforce child-support obligations.
Administration officials said the
president's budget would also slow the growth of
spending at the National Institutes of Health, which
doubled in the last five years, reaching $27.1 billion
in 2003. Congress has tentatively agreed to provide $28
billion this year, slightly more than Mr. Bush
requested, and administration officials said they would
seek an increase of 3 percent or less for 2005.
Budget officials defended the
proposal, saying they wanted to be sure the agency was
properly managing a huge infusion of federal money.
Mr. Bush proposed last year to double
co-payments on prescription drugs for many veterans,
primarily those with higher incomes and no
service-connected disabilities. The White House
reaffirmed its support for that proposal in November.
In the last week, the Pentagon has
been considering a new proposal to increase pharmacy
co-payments for retirees with at least 20 years of
military service. Under the proposal, the charge for a
generic drug would rise to $10, from $3, while the
charge for a brand-name medicine would rise to $20, from
The Military Officers Association of
America criticized this as "a grossly insensitive
and wrong-headed proposal." In e-mail messages to
the White House, members of the association asked Mr.
Bush, "Why do your budget officials persist in
trying to cut military benefits?"
Col. Steven P. Strobridge, director of
government relations at the association, said he
understood that the Pentagon was now inclined to study
the issue for a year and renew the proposal, as part of
a systematic effort to "reduce military health care
Administration officials said they
expected Mr. Bush to seek increases of $1 billion, or 10
percent, for the education of children with disabilities
and $1 billion, or 8 percent, in Title I grants for
schools with high concentrations of students from
low-income families.
Budget officials said they were
concerned that they did not have enough money for Pell
grants to keep pace with a recent surge in low-income
students seeking help with college costs. They said Mr.
Bush would address that problem in some way, without
seeking an increase in the maximum grant, now $4,050.
The budget also seeks money to train
more nurses, to encourage sexual abstinence among
teenagers and to recruit "volunteers in homeland
security," who can respond to emergencies,
including terrorist attacks.