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Tony Rogers
USAF Providing
Forward Air Controllers
at work
FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Airman 1st Class
Christopher Komorek (right) provides cover while Airman
1st Class Kyle Sharp calls in air support during combat
operations here Nov. 13. Both Airmen are assigned to 9th
Air Support Operation Squadron. (Tony's Note: click on the
photo for a medium resolution version and get to see their
gear close up. Note the handle of a Hooligan entry tool
in the radio pack, and the removal of flashy unit patches
on their shoulders. A1C Komorek on the left still has a
"subdued" American flag patch visible on his Interceptor
vest, but it only looks bright because the photographer
is about 8 feet away with a huge flash.) Also note the pervious
talcum powder desert dust that is all over Komorek's M4
rifle. Imagine the abrasive quality of that fine dust in
the bolt assembly, and nooks and crannies of the recoil
tube, etc. It has got to really suck.
(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Johancharles Van Boers)
November 13, 2004 |
