(Reuters) - North Korea is deploying new land- and sea-based
ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads and
may have sufficient range to hit the United States, according
to the authoritative Jane's Defense Weekly.
In an article due to appear Wednesday,
Jane's said the two new systems appeared to be based on
a decommissioned Soviet submarine-launched ballistic missile,
the R-27.
It said communist North Korea had acquired
the know-how during the 1990s from Russian missile specialists
and by buying 12 former Soviet submarines which had been
sold for scrap metal but retained key elements of their
missile launch systems.
Jane's, which did not specify its sources,
said the sea-based missile was potentially the more threatening
of the two new weapons systems.
"It would fundamentally alter the
missile threat posed by the DPRK (Democratic People's
Republic of Korea) and could finally provide its leadership
with something that it has long sought to obtain -- the
ability to directly threaten the continental U.S.,"
the weekly said.
Apart from targeting the United States,
South Korea or Japan, cash-strapped North Korea might
seek to sell the technology to countries that have bought
its missiles in the past, with Iran a prime candidate,
the article added.
Ian Kemp, news editor of Jane's Defense
Weekly, said North Korea would only spend the money and
effort on developing such missiles if it intended to fit
them with nuclear warheads.
"It's pretty certain the North Koreans
would not be developing these unless they were intended
for weapons of mass destruction warheads, and the nuclear
warhead is far and away the most potent of those,"
he told Reuters.
The Russian R-27 (SS-N-6) SLBM Missile
Container is pictured below:

North Korea pulled out of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty in January 2003 and is locked
in long-running crisis talks with the United States, China,
Russia, Japan and South Korea over terms for scrapping
its atomic weapons program.
The extent of that program remains unclear,
although North Korea's deputy foreign minister was quoted
as telling a senior U.S. official last year that Pyongyang
possessed nuclear weapons.
Jane's said the new land-based system
had an estimated range of 2,500 to 4,000 km (1,560 to
2,500 miles), and the sea-based system, launchable from
a submarine or a ship, had a range of at least 2,500 km.
"If you can get a missile aboard
a warship, in particular aboard a can
move your submarine to strike at targets such as Hawaii
or the United States, just as examples. Whereas it would
be much more difficult to actually develop a ground-launched
missile to achieve that sort of a range," Kemp said.
Until now only the United States, Russia,
Britain, France and China have been known to possess submarine-launched
nuclear weapons, although there has been speculation that
Israel has a similar capability.
Jane's said North Korea appeared to have
acquired the R-27 technology from Russian missile experts
based in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk. It said one such
group was detained in 1992 when about to fly to North
Korea, but others visited later.
It said Pyongyang was also helped by the
purchase, through a Japanese trading company, of 12 decommissioned
Russian Foxtrot-class and Golf II-class submarines which
were sold for scrap in 1993.
It said the missiles and electronic firing
systems had been removed, but the vessels retained their
launch tubes and stabilization sub-systems.