comes a month after revelations that the man credited
with developing Pakistan's nuclear bomb, Dr AQ Khan, had
leaked nuclear weapons technology abroad.Analysts say
that the test is a political statement by the government
to reassure people that its missiles and nuclear
programs are moving ahead following the negative fallout
of the nuclear leaking scandal.
Our correspondent says the test will send a strong
signal to Pakistanis as well as the outside world that
President Musharraf intends to stick by his promise not
to roll back the country's deterrent program.
Pakistan has warned for several weeks that it would
be testing the latest in the country's range of nuclear
capable missiles as part of a continuing series of

Pakistan says it gave prior warning of the
A statement by the military said the test was 100%
successful and that prior warning had been passed to
Pakistan's neighbors.
It said that the test reflected the resolve by
Pakistan to maintain a credible deterrence as the
cornerstone of its security policy.
There has been no response to the test from India
which has a vigorous nuclear program of its own.
The launch of the missile comes after Israel
concluded a deal last week to sell India a strategic
airborne radar system, despite closer ties between Delhi
and Islamabad.
It also coincides with the first Indian cricket tour
to Pakistan for 14 years, and the start of a fresh round
of talks on launching a bus service between the Indian
state of Rajasthan and the Pakistani province of Sindh.