This is a great thermal imaging video
camera view of an Apache taking out some bad guys.
Clip (3 MB WMV - Right
click on link and select Save As... for best results)
Apache has a McDonnell Douglas M230 30-millimeter Chain
Gun, which is a mechanically operated automatic weapon
driven by a bicycle-style chain looped around the firing
mechanism box. The scheme is simple -- in fact, so simple
that in hindsight it is puzzling why it hadn't been
invented decades earlier -- as well as lightweight and
The cannon is supplied with 1,200 rounds
of ammunition and has a maximum rate of fire of 650 rounds
per second. Its 30 millimeter ammunition is compatible
with the British Aden and French DEFA 30 millimeter
cannon. The usual ammunition is the M789 High-Explosive
Dual Purpose (HEDP) round (see below), which features an
armor-piercing hollow charge with a fragmenting case. The
HEDP round can penetrate 5 centimeters (2 inches) of
rolled steel armor.
The Chain Gun is on a
hydraulically-driven swiveling mount between the forward
landing gear legs. It can be pointed 11 degrees up, 60
degrees down, and 100 degrees to either side. If
hydraulics are lost, the cannon pops to its stowage
position, with the barrel forward and up. There is a void
in the nose above the cannon into which the weapon
collapses in a crash, reducing injury to the crew.

High Explosive Dual Purpose
Team: LW30mm
Height (max): 199.75mm
Weight: 350.5g
Number Produced: 3M
Muzzle Velocity (nominal): 800 m/s
Chamber Pressure (typical): 415 MPa
Trace (typical): Available
Penetration (typical): 25mm RHA @ at 500m
LW30mm HEDP ammunition features a spin-compensated,
shaped-charge liner for superior armor defeat plus
additional growth potential. Outstanding armor
penetration, combined with blast, concussion and
fragmentation characteristics, gives the LW30mm ammunition
superior multi-role, multi-target capabilities.
Combat proven in Operations Iraqi
Freedom, Just Cause and Desert Storm, the LW30mm
demonstrates excellent armor penetration at ranges from
150 to 4,000 meters.