Dear Mr Tony Roger:
I am Pranjal Protim Gogoi. I have a monomania in modern weapons systems, specially I am fond of guns. It is delighted to
me to see the 'Metal Storm' raining thousands of bullets in just a few seconds. Last year I had designed a heavy 'Machine Gun' model
on a piece of paper.But a mouse have eaten away that piece of paper. Since then I am unable to concentrate on my studies and also
suffering from 'INSOMNIA'. But now I want to make it real. I need your help to design and build the machine gun. I think together we
can make a difference. Here I have a query for you. If gunnery is available as a course of study in colleges or other institutions? If
not where can I learn gunnery? Hope you will reply me soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Pranjal Protim Gogoi
B.Borooah College, Ulubari, Guwahati
Assam, INDIA
N.B. I have also designed various models of missiles and bomber planes
Tony responds:
Mr. Pranjal Protim Gogoi:
Darn those mice that eat our proposals. That happened to me as well! Actually, it was a rat that ate my paper, and then I ate that rat for lunch, because I have not been paid for a long time.
I have been trying to contact the Lockheed Martin engineers for years with my new machine gun design like you have, and I keep getting arrested just outside of their entrance gate. They are not fond of inventors who bang at their gate and scream about rats eating their shoes, I have learned.
I started my own company instead, called, "Machine Guns R Us, Inc."
Email me your machine gun designs, and I promise I won't steal them. I'll make sure they get submitted to the young fellow I see on television every night at 3am, who says he will get my invention patented and everything. You'll get the credit for it, for sure!
Send all of your design info to:
Ferd is my corporate manager. He'll make sure it gets to me, and we'll make millions together!
Tony Rogers
A psychiatrist, Patrick Smallwood, M.D., contacted me in regard to the two PETA photos I have posted on my website under my Humor section. His observation about Hunters and Photographers was so enlightening, I had to pass it on…PETA Kills Animals, ahem...
(send Patrick an email about this! LOL!!!)
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 20:04:45 -0400
From: Patrick Smallwood (
As a psychiatrist, I find that both hunters and the photographers to be deeply disturbed and morally bankrupt. Sadly, they find these behaviors ego syntonic (see the definition here) and as such, this level of pathology is highly resistant to treatment. While you may or may not respect PETA, please have the human decency to respect life and not to give a forum for these hunters’ depraved behavior. Syntonic: in emotional equilibrium and responsive to the environment
Hi Dr. Smallwood: You are now an Internet Legend!
That was the strangest email I have received in quite some time, so I made a page just for you. I'd be interested in any more assessments you make about hunters. Two thirds of my hunting friends are medical doctors, and they take hunting way more seriously than I do. I'll update the info on that page if you want. Maybe you want to clarify?
By the way, what is "syntonic"? I looked it up and could not find any relevant info about that word.
Tony Rogers
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:07 PM
It is always a good weapon to use the lean mean flapping
jaw and say someone wears ladies underwear to church.
Kinda like an insecure bar weasel who needs plenty of
love alcohol and company. Lakeside is better off without
alcohol and why are people so bent on screwing up a great
neighborhood for people who want to sell liquor and profit.
If it is too much of a pain to drive a couple miles to
buy alcohol then move to the west end or central hillside.
I understand the MAJORITY of lakeside residents do not
want slimey bars in the neighborhood. But maybe I can
pick up some hosebag. You are a class act piece of work
with one big johnson.
Tony says: Wow, be careful...
From: brann
muphen []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 12:22 PM
Subject: PETA pic
Re: the photo you have on your
site with the dead rabbits spelling out "PETA SUCKS"
... You say you have too much "respect" for
the animals you kill than to pose a photo like that and
yet putting that stupid photo up fosters the very attitude
you SAY you disagree with.
The truth is, you obviously do agree with
killing for the fun killing, with killing more than you
use, with using hunting to make light of other's sensibilities
- otherwise you would not put up the photo.
Passing on a photo like that makes all
hunters look bad because it just proves what the anti-hunters
think about us. Its the same as telling a racist joke.
You may not tell the joke yourself, but if you laugh,
you've just as guilty as the idiot who did the telling.
If you're going to post a photo like that, at least have
the balls to take responsibility for your own actions.
Now, go eat a Brann.Muphen because tony,
you're full of $hit.. |
Melissa Raymond:
a pig, maybe one day i'll find you and shoot YOU, you
fucking ugly son of a bitch! you make me sick, and not
only your nasty face you fucking dirtbag! shooting all
those rabbits and
then makin a joke of it? funny guy you are! maybe i'll
find all your family, shoot them all, and make a "FUCKYOU"
sign out of it! sound good? your a sick fuck
didn't shoot those rabbits. That is just a silly photo
that travels around on the Internet. So settle down, and
be careful about making terroristic threats like that.
And learn to spell.
responded back:
i just dont think it was very nice, and yes, im sorry
, those comments were a bit harsh, i apologize! if you
didnt shoot those rabbits and write that message then
i guess i was wrong to judge, but it really made me angry
and the first thing that came up was your name! also,
sorry about calling you ugly! you are not, and i was just
mad! BUT, if you did have something to do with that photo
and your not telling me, thats fine, but i think its wrong!
responded back again:
accepted. No, I am not lying, I have no idea who those
guys are in that photo.
I do hunt, but I have a great respect for animals and
would never arrange them so callously in a photo like
that. I also have a feeling those two bozos did not actually
shoot those rabbits to eat them, and were just going for
sheer numbers. I disagree with that. If any friends of
mine actually did something like that and sent me a photo,
I would be embarrassed to actually put it on my website
for anyone else to see.
consider that photo humorous, but at the expense of those
two bozos. I agree that it is wrong, but I put things
like that on my website just to raise emotion, and it
certainly did that in your case. You are not the first
person to accuse me of being a jerk, thinking that it
was me in that photo (see immediately below).
am actually a nature photographer, and would rather take
a photo of an animal rather than shoot it. Be sure to
click on my "photo
galleries" page and you'll see what I mean.
website is purposely politically incorrect, but I am not
a "redneck" by any means. I try to poke fun
politically at all ends of the spectrum, but I do love
animals and respect them. Yes, even hunters respect animals.
for being more rational when you responded. Sorry I made
fun of your spelling. (The contraction of "you are"
is "you're" and not "your".) And please
don't ever threaten to kill my family. That is much more
offensive than posting some photo of two anonymous redneck
rabbit hunters, and I am sure you'll agree.
From Jane M.
I found your page somehow and I was so
absolutely disgusted with it I had to write you a e mail
telling you. your a sick insecure redneck fuck and im
glad you find pleasure in killing animals for no reason
what so ever just for ur sick pleasure like writing out
peta sucks with dead
rabbits ur fucking gross and I hope u fucking rot
for that u fucking white trash
I responded:
you ignorant slut! (Just kidding, I didn't actually say
that, LOL!)
Dear Jane:
Wow! I'm a "sick insecure redneck
fuck"? I did not realize that. My mother is going
to be shocked. You fail to realize that the PETA Sucks
photos were taken by someone else (I have no idea who
they are) and those photos are passed around on emails
all around the world. That's not me in those photos. Indeed,
I do kill animals, but not to "find pleasure in killing
animals for no reason." I kill animals so I can eat
them. Same way a bear kills a salmon and eats it. No,
I don't have to...I could go to the grocery store and
buy some beef in plastic containers and let some factory
worker kill a steer on my behalf. But venison, rabbit
and ruffed grouse meat tastes great. I'll keep at it.
P.S. Keep studying at SUNY Cobleskill
because your grammar frankly stinks.
Tony Rogers
One more from KomCo
Hi Tony:
ATK has a sales office in Pakistan. How
to proceed ahead? This is a million dollar question. Please
check at your end.
Khalid Mahmood
KomCo actually responded back and has
completely fallen for my ruse. They obviously have not
looked at my website very well.
From KomCo Traders:
Hi Tony:
Please spare me from any thing like trouble
of putting some extra weight on board the plane inside
cargo.Thanks, any way.
May I share with you my version of the
story.Ok I may do so.
It may turn out to be a long way before
any order can be secured for induction of M300 in Army
as an accepted solution to the excavation problem in defensive
positions. The official proposal sent to concerned quarters.
suitability studies, usual tests and trials, supporting
test and trial reports if any from your concerned departments,
suggested modifications incorporated if deemed necessary
by buyers, and lastly if we have acceptable and competetive
prices with no other more suitable solution coming up
to knock us out of the race only then a purchase order
(PO) can be secured.
But do not worry. It is a long term investment.
We may or may not succeed. In case we are able to get
our product approved then we may secure huge order with
repeat orders and you may realize the quantity may turn
out to be huge in numbers.
At this stage if you are willing to take
risk of few hundered bucks than i will suggest it to you
that we may move in a certain series of actions.First
of all if you could send me complete promotional literature
for presenting to concerned quarters and secondly, possibly
,samples of the product for trial purpose , which can
be awaited for a while before they actually ask for the
same to be produced for evaluation or trial purpose.Also
it would be more appropriate if you may consider to be
more competitive on price. Reasons for being more competitive
on price are obvisious to knock out other competitors
with similar solutions. If ex price is more competitive
than net price, inclusive of additional allied charges
like inland transportation, may turn out to be more competitive
and acceptable.
People in concerned quarters involved
with this kind of purchases are not in a haste I assure
you. Neither they are in a desparate need of any immediate
solution, however , thay have started realising the need
for such kind of a mechanism being apprehensive of such
developments taking shape in other similar establishments
around the globe. They are thinking to make it a bit easy
for the footsoldier. If we can secure the oppurtunity
and make it a win win situation for both of us I think
the potential is huge.
Please also make sure that this product
does not fall under any export restrictions as the whole
exercise may turn out to be futile at the end of the day.
Thanks for your quick response and hoping to succeede
in my modest endavour to turn this opportunity a reality
obviously with your staunch commitment.
You must be looking smarter than ever
with those stars on ribbon and knife.Bravo.
Best rgards
Khalid Mahmood
Tony's response:
I must be looking smarter than ever with those stars on
ribbon and knife? |
I swear I am not making this up...this
was a real email and I really did send that response,
From KomCo Traders
Hi Tony Rogers,
You would be pleased to know that Pakistan
Army is in a process of acquiring a suitable man packed
fighting position excavator solution like FPE
You may be aware of the fact that Pakistan
Army is amongst few largest standing armies of the world
mostly engaged in defensive operations. Demand for an
efficient foxhole excavator is already in the offing.
came across FPE M300 during my search for a foxhole excavator
for infantry soldier of Pakistan Army.
You would like to promote FPE M300 with
Pakistan Defense Procurement Agencies for subsequent marketing.
You would also appreciate the fact that
we are a reputed company with credible links in concerned
quarters having already successfully fulfilled our contractual
obligations with Directorate General Defense Procurement
in the past.
I will appreciate if you send across catalogue
cum literature of FPE M300 with ex-price estimates + shipment
charges and preferably with a soft copy of presentation
on the subject, if any, so we can put it across to concerned
quarters for subsequent processing.
We will appreciate a quick response by
With Best Regards
Mr.Khalid Mahmood
Manager Marketing
KomCo Traders Private Limited,Islamabad, Pakistan
Unit 882,Street 79,
Phone 92514438028
Fax 92514438068
Tony's response:
Mr.Khalid Mahmood:
I am well aware that the Pakistan armed
forces are in immediate need of a man packed fighting
position excavator solution, and let me tell you, the
M300 made by ATK is just your ticket to blowing large
holes in the Pakistan desert hardpack. I have personally
tested the M300 on several occasions, even using one to
excavate the backyard near my deck for my new hot tub
spa bath (my neighbors raised some issues with their broken
As a Distinguished Distributor for ATK
products (they gave me an orange ribbon with two gold-colored
stick-on stars last year, and a Chinese-made swiss army
knife knockoff), I have several M300
Fighting Position Excavators available at a modest
cost. The current rate for customers in Kashmir is $14,999.95,
but since you are from Pakistan, I'll drop my normal cost
to $13,999.95, not including shipping and taxes.
How many do you need? If it is less than
100, I can have them on the next FedEx 757 to Islamabad
for you. If you require more than 100, I will need to
special order some direct from the factory, and they always
give me static at the factory when I do that. But I can
have them on a plane to your destination inside of three
business days.
Can you wire transfer the money to my
account? That would speed shipping. As soon as you decide
how many units you want, just wire the funds to:
Bank of America World of Arms
Bank TELEX ID: A4B67
Acct: 12365825368-A134
PIN#: 9926
Let me know how many you want. I'll start
stacking them on pallets tonight, and I'll even put a
few grenades in the stack for ya, because I aim to please.
Tony Rogers
From: Peter B and Sherry K
You're not very funny. I liked your bad
names for websites, but otherwise your just not funny.
kind of stupid. give it up. and I hate the dead
rabbits message to peta. why do people have to be
so gruesome and cruel about animals?
Tony responded:
Dear Peter and Sherry:
Sorry you don't enjoy all of my humor.
The PETA Rabbits and PETA
Geese photos are admittedly somewhat distasteful,
and I personally would never pose with a photo like that
out of respect for the rabbits and geese. But I still
laughed when I saw both of those photos and they found
a home on my site for everyone to either hate or enjoy.
I personally enjoy posting my humor pages for all to see,
and my fan base of literally thousands enjoys them, too,
so I certainly won't "give it up." If you don't
like all the humor on the site, drift over to the Photo
Galleries and enjoy some nice nature photography. I'll
keep at it.
Sherry responded back:
Cool...thanks for responding. Guess I
was angry when I saw the rabbit photos. People wouldn't
do that with dogs or cats, because everybody would be
As it is, I consider all animals equal,
so a rabbit is as deserving of kindness as a dog.
Tony responded back:
I totally agree. All animals deserve respect,
and I give a deer or a rabbit or a duck the same respect
that I give a dog. Although I would never kill a dog for
food unless I was starving in some bizarre dire circumstance.
All animals deserve respect, even when they are hunted
for food.
As a meat-eater, I feel better about shooting
a deer for food than eating beef in a package from a supermarket.
At least the deer had a real life. Beef
Cattle certainly never live a life other than to be consumed.
Thanks for responding, Sherry.
I find your website really repulsive:
I guess that you would laugh wholeheartedly
if we publish some pictures of grossly obese urban whities
thugs, which are plentiful in AmeriKKKa. All in good fun
Except that their daily, unavoidable sightings
are rather nauseating, and we forgot to laugh.
Tony responded:
Dear iolmisha:
My website "humor" section is
purposely there for "shock" value, and I don't
ever try to be politically correct. However, those photos
are real culture, and I felt they were worthy for some
humor. They were all dressed a little "over the top,"
so they qualified as cultural humor in my opinion. You'll
note that I didn't add any comments that suggest I am
racist (I am not). I have quite a few pages mocking "white
trash" all over my site, and I poke more fun at them
than any race other than my own.
I encourage anyone and EVERYONE to publish
photos mocking obese urban KKK-affiliated whitie thugs.
Especially if they make them look as silly as they really
If you actually have any photos taken
at a skinhead Aryan racist prom, I would gladly publish
them, as long they as they pass my "humor" test
and aren't just free propaganda for their racist aims.
Mr. Tonny Rogers:
You are so bad severely realy bad as a
racist! I see that you hate Muslims. Muslims are not to
bad, and tou should stop been so bad to them.
Muuslims are from the enire worls, and
you need to no that. I well never shop at yurt Wal-Mart
stures ever, you know? Wal Murty stores are your fronts
suldiers in the line.
I will neber shop ats Wul-Mart, evber!
------ |
Puneet Madaan
image) |
How dare you claimed indian idiots to
be from syria.....
Man.. i am a Indian, and those idiots are indian Property...
anyway .. if they want you can kick their
asses... i will not say anything.. but please don't go
against copyright stuff, Please correct...
anyways 3 most famous some copyrighted
stuffs are
- Religion of Peace :--- ( you know what
it mean... and How Peaceful it is)
- Cartoon --- (Prophet of Dooms)
- Sheepfuckers ---- U used a word idiots
for them...
Keep it UP, Just Kidding...
But they are indians...
Puneet Madaan
---- Thought of the day----
"It takes only one drink to get me
drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth
or the fourteenth."
Editor's Note:
I didn't edit his original email
Tony Responded:
Dear Mr. Puneet Madaan,
I'm not sure what you mean by copyright
violations. Nobody claims copyright to that fabricated
image, probably because it was done so poorly. I guess
I will apologize to Indians if that original photo was
actually taken in India and not Syria, but I see a lot
of Muslims in that photo, and not many Hindus, so I didn't
question it.
I'm glad you point out that those Indians
are "Indian Property."
I am amused that you found the "Sheepfuckers"
reference on my website somewhere. Did you conduct a "search"
for that word? And wherever I used that term, I am glad
I was actually clever enough to make sure I called them
To Mr. Puneet
Madaan's credit he replied in detail, and clarified his
stance, with good humor and great honesty:
Thanks Tony. For this honor...
anyways here are some more things might
be of your interest..
I guess I will apologize to Indians if
that original photo was actually taken in India and not
No need to apologize, truth is not offensive
anyway...I am an Indian, and it is more offensive for
us that those 20% Muslims are using India as a base for
terrorism. By the way, we have at least one terror attack
each day in India...I placed this mail in a funny way
to you because I think those humorous sites like yours
will perhaps make Indian politicians feel sorry on their
acts... Never mind that I still believe that with such
sites like yours we can change the mentality of those
people who support terror. If they think that by killing
others they will get respect, then my previous post has
all the respect Ican give to them.
India hosts one of the world's biggest
Muslim population. Unfortunately, the West has nearly
ignored this fact. Anyways, some facts for you, for shocking
you. It is nice to have political jokes, but it is more
better to analyze them too, to tell it truthfully. How
much of these issues are you aware of?
1) Indian Muslims are high at passing
FATWAS right now...not only Indian Muslims, but also Indian
2) What you see of the Taliban? The mentality
came from India.
3) Indians face a minimum of one terror
attack each day
4) India is a democracy charging to a
neo-nazi state, because politicians are dividing. You
get your share on basis of caste in which you are born...Ask
any indian... he wil explain it to you.
Oh by the way...
I misunderstood you...Anyways I responded
to you to make a correction. Because Idisapprove on killing
of innocents, even if it is supported by my own country
& politicians or even my community. We can't do a
lot, especially we don't move out with those dirty bombs...but
we definitely can condemn those things, and place a real
I condemn all those acts which ask for
killing innocents, as for me humanity comes before religion.
Sorry I used the words "Keep it up"
last time...
PS : Thanks again... now I will soon see
my name on Indian Fatwa list too...
Editor's Note:
I did edit his response email for English clarity.
Date: June 23, 2006
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Dear Mr Rogers,
The US Army Command and General Staff
College, Ft Leavenworth, KS, would like to request permission
to use a photo image of Lyndie England holding a leash
on an Iraqi prisoner. This image would be used to support
classroom instruction in a course on foreign internal
defense to be taught during the upcoming academic year
as a distance education course. We would need permission
to use the image in CD ROM format (250 copies) and to
post it to a secure military website for one year.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you.
Alice King
Copyrights Coordinator
Combined Arms Research Library
250 Gibbon Ave
Fort Leavenworth KS 66027-2314
913 758-3018; fax: 913 758-3014
Tony's response:
Those photos were taken by US Army military
personnel and were distributed on the Internet so widely
that they lost original copyright status, and became public
domain images. I used several on my site, but I am not
the copyright holder of any of those images, so I cannot
legally release any of those photos for your use.
I assume that the US Army Command and
General Staff College will have legitimate access to any
of those original images for prosecution and/or legal
Tony Rogers
March 29, 2006
From: Ann Carquez
how dare you write "dumb and dumber"
by the pitchure(sic) of timothey(sic) treadwell and amy(sic)
your(sic) are a fucking fagot ass bitch. timmy is god
and you are the frass(?) you fuck
Indeed, I did write a parody story about
Treadwell and how he got eaten by a bear. In my opinion,
he made some serious mistakes and he seems like he was
a bit goofy. In my book, interloping with wild animals
who consider you lunch is quite dumb.
Note: (sic) representing Latin for
"thus" or "as it is written here"
and displays the spelling error as originally written
and not corrected.
23, 2006
hello fat ass,
I just wanted to remind you that without the French help
during your independence war, america would still be a
British colony ... have fun you ugly racist ignorant pig.
it's easier to hold a gun than your old
useless dick, ah ah ah! keep going, your website is so
fun, and now I'm sure that I will give my money to the
Democrats, at least THEY went to school.
vive la France,
Gregoire ROUSSEL
I replied:
Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. And
you are historically accurate. But don't forget our sacrifice
as well.
Normandy American Cemetery, Colleville
- Sur Mer, France
9386 American War Dead

Regarding your comment of being racist?
Poking fun at the French isn't racist. I poke fun at everybody
who is deemed worthy of getting poked at in a humorous
Tony Rogers
3, 2006
From: Ronny Naess - Norway
Hi, Tony.
My name is Ronny and I live in Norway.
I happened to stumble into your homepage, and I read your
article about the G3 (
It so happens that I am a sniper in the Norwegian homeguard
here in Oslo. My sniper rifle is not much of a sniper
rifle, but since I am a Barret
.50 sniper and have this old G3 sniper equipped rifle
as a training weapon besides I cant actually complain.
My G3, or AG-3 as we call it, is equipped with a Swarovski
6x42 sniperscope built for NATO .308 ammo. I also have
a Harris bipod and a slightly longer stock.
Anyway, my question for you is: Where
can I buy parts to replace the trigger group? Lets face
it, not much of a sniper trigger.
Ronny Naess
I replied:
Hi Ronny:
Williams Trigger Specialties makes a really fine trigger
group for the G3 (HK91):
They are somewhat expensive, but they have a good reputation.
Sounds like you have two fine rifles (I especially love
the Barret rifles but they are out of my current price
range.). I agree, the standard G3 (we call the semi-auto
version the HK91 here in the U.S.) has an awful trigger
for precision shooting.
Hope this helps!
Tony Rogers
2, 2006
From: Ralph $#^&#$son
Hey Tony...want to buy some Chinese military
weapons? I stumbled onto this site...check out in the
missle section. I think it is the Lazer beam blinders
they have there...some wild stuff. --Ralph
I replied:
Thanks, Ralph!
I just put an order in for "400 Main
Battle Tanks Type 98" at $800 million. I charged
it on my Discover Card and requested main gun ammo to
be delivered as well, C.O.D.
Damn, I do believe I am going to have
a parking problem upon delivery! My neighbors will need
to give up some lawn space, for sure. There is going to
be a line at my nearest gas station when I go to fuel
these babies up with diesel, that is for sure.
Tony Rogers
24, 2006
From: The SPED Foundation
Dear Tony:
We read the story on your
link with some interest, and would like to know if
you have any way of contacting the parents of 'Boriska'.
We are based in Australia.
I write on behalf of the SPED Foundation, a non-profit
foundation, researching human behavior.
As this boy has been studied by the Russian Academy of
Sciences we are interested in pursuing his story.
Are you able to provide some information as to how we
can contact the family in Russia or at least the person
who either wrote the article or some of the party that
were involved in the conversation with Boriska?
Any direction you can give us would be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Deborah Hamilton-Smith
The SPED Foundation
PO Box 33
Oakbank SA 5243
ph: 61 8 83397177
fax: 61 8 83397188
I replied that I had no further information.
October 2, 2005
From: Catherine in Canada
first of all yu of all people should not
be talking about french people surendering i mean look
at yu in that pic what are you like 200 pounds there im
sure you'll do real well in war lol you look like a typical
american slob i wonder what the requirements to be an
american citicen is you must be over 225 to be american
and have an IQ under 10 i wonder if tony rogers is your
real name anyway and im sure if yu were to ever express
your god givin right of opinion in canada you'ed earn
yourself a fine beating i mean you cant even do that you
have to do it over a computer screen like you proilli
do with yur dates but maby thats what you and mr bush
have in comon your both afriad bush afraid to even step
foot in iraq and you have got a problem with the french
i myself am a franco canadian and a patriot so i say to
yu as nicly as possible "go fuck yourself you pice
of racist nazi shit" oh and feel free to write back
i would enjoy it if you did
Tony responded:
Actually I go about 240 pounds, 6'-5"
tall. If I was only 200 I'd be pretty thin for my weight,
I think you solidified my point of why
I make fun of French, Canadians and especially French
Canadians with your letter. Actually, my name really is
Tony Rogers. I guess I wouldn't get a domain name of
if my name was Doug. If you look through the site, I make
fun of all politicians, including Mr. Bush.
I'm not sure where the Nazi Racist comment
comes from, because they are a favorite group of people
I like to poke fun at. Glad you're at least looking at
parts of my website!
Tony Rogers
August 26, 2005
From: David
Sorry, but I am
not going to write this letter "pro-forma."
If you like Within
Temptation, I suggest you come to the Netherlands
next year during the Pinkpop, or the just recently finished
(for this year) LowLands festival, they ALWAYS manage
to be there, and have time for their fans. Most Dutch
people speak English reasonably, as you may have noticed
the song. Also there are a lot more artists...
As for the CD, I don't think you will
find it more reasonably priced than the one on Amazon,
even with delivery costs added.
Yours truly,
David van den Eeden
PS: I found your site difficult to navigate,
perhaps you should work a little on the lay-out, however
that is just my humble opinion.
Tony's Response:
Thanks for the info, David!
Wow, I have never heard anyone complain
about having a difficult time navigating my website. It
is pretty straightforward as far as navigation links.
August 18, 2005
Subject: Fuckers
From: Dan
"You are a bush loving dumb ass American.
You should all die."
Tony's Note:
I must be on a roll. I've annoyed two semi-illiterate
Liberals in one week! I responded to Dan and told him
he sent some "briliiant commentary!" and earned
a spot on this coveted page.
15, 2005
Subject: Tony is a "Flag-Waving
Jingoistic Lunatic"
From: John Denny
really, moron? how are our soldiers extinguishing
their hatred? don't you get it moron, they are not afraid
of us or the big bad war machine. they are WILLING to
die to get us out of their business. if you knew anything
you would know that the infidel has exploited and occupied
their land for centuries. here's a moron quiz for you!
how many iraqi's commandeered the planes on 9/11? do you
remember any public excoriation of the saudi govt. for
having 14 of the 19 hijackers by this idiotic administration?
no. i didn't think so! the problem is YOU'RE a fraud with
your flag waving jingoistic lunacy you are perfectly happy
to let someone else do the fighting. i'll tell you what,
the next time you are fighting mad, why don't you come
and see me and i'll help you get it out of your system.
my name is john denny and i live at 275 country club rd.
sanford,me 04073. it would be my pleasure to beat you
to a pulp.
John Denny
Route 4
275 Country Club Rd.
Sanford, ME 04073
Phone: 207-490-2029
Map to his home:
a term describing chauvinistic patriotism, especially
with regard to a hawkish political stance.
Tony's response:
(yes, I called him, and left a message on his answering
Dear John "I don't believe in
capital letters for punctuation" Denny:
First of all, you are referring to Americans
in the third person as "the infidel," implying
that you are not an American. I assume that in fact you
are a U.S. citizen. I have never implied that Iraqis commandeered
any of the planes that crashed into our buildings and
the aborted crash in the field of Pennsylvania on that
fateful day on September 11, 2001. Am I happy that others
are doing the fighting against a global Jihad on my behalf?
You're damn right I am! I am also overwhelmed from the
personal sacrifice that our native sons and daughters
have displayed to keep the front lines of the battle off
of our shores and the fact that they are killing Islamic
Fascists in their own killing fields. I know many people
currently on active duty and several who have been over
in Iraq and Afghanistan killing the Taliban, Syrian, Yemeni,
Saudi and Chechen fighters who have "heeded the Jihad
call" to try to meet Allah on the most current battlefield,
which happens to be in Iraq at the moment. Those fighters
are trying to exterminate Americans, Christians and Jews,
and we need to fight back.
I would love to take a long weekend off
and arrive announced at your Country Club Road residence
to debate the morals of our current warfighting effort,
but I'm not "fighting mad" enough to stage such
a spectacle.
Tony Rogers

August 10, 2005
(above) A Soldier from the 1st
Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, takes
time to play with Iraqi children at a medical screening,
in Mosul, Iraq.
Photo by Spc. Jeremy Crisp.

July 28, 2005
Capt. Jacqueline Naylor, a family practice physician from
the 173rd Support Battalion, successfully delivers a premature
baby in a hospital at Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan.
Photo by Sgt. Erin Maynard
...Bunch of American Savages?
Later that night, John Denny reponded:
wow!! you sure are predictable! i take
issue with you personally and you try to get your 'friends'
involved. just for the record i have never criticized
the men and women of our armed forces. i don't blame them
for the mess in iraq. however, i do blame the current
administration for its arrogant and inept prosecution
of this war. anyway, tony. back to my original
hawkish types are always talking so tough. i want to know
how tough YOU are ! you know what they say about guys
who drive big cars!
Tony's Note: I was hoping to play
this one out for all it was worth, but this liberal shit-for-brains
finally calmed down and admitted he was just trying to
get a rise out of me. I was hoping to fan his flame even
higher but it didn't work. Typical L.L.Bean khaki-wearing
Mainer, spouting anti-war crap against the United States.
He's already living pretty close to the border, so maybe
he should head for Canada to live among his peers.
John Denny sent one last e-mail at
3:27am Central Time:
no no! i heard YOUR phone message and i'm sure you don't
want to fight! didn't you used to have your own show on
pbs where you would come in the door and put on your geeky
sweater and slippers? allright,allright, it's time to
do the right thing and apologize for being completely
unfair with you. i admit i was trying to get a rise out
of you and i guess i succeeded. tell you what
year when you come out east for the rogers family picnic
and you still want to jump ugly, give me a call! to quote
my least favorite president of all time "bring it
Tony's note: I gave up and did
not respond. I got some good website fodder from him,
July 25, 2005
From: Rob
Hi Tony, love your website. The footage
on your site of "B-2" strikes is actually a
CAS attack by an F-16 in Fallujah. I think it has been
posted elswhere on the web incorrectly, leading to a common
misconceptiion. No B-2 footage from inside the Aircraft
has been publicly released as they have not utilized Laser
Guided Bombs in combat. They have used JDAMS. I have a
lot of good footage if you are looking for some including
some that is not on the web at all. Let me know if oyu
are interested.
Tony's response: Thanks for the
update on that! That is very interesting, for sure. If
you have footage you can provide, I will post it. I'll
give you credit for the footage if you want, otherwise
I'll keep it anonymous. But send anything you have, as
long as it is not classified beyond civilian.
April 15, 2005
From: Kristoffer "the Norwegian"
I want to praise the work your doing on
the site, keep up the good work. Your site is up there
with, and is one of the few sites that I
visit every time I'm online for updates.
I'm from Norway, hence I found it interesting
that many jokes circles around Norwegians (at least percentage-wise
considering most American internet sites). Is there a
particular reason for this? From what I understand, Minnesota
must have alot of Norwegian descendants... Am I correct?
I'm asking because of:
- The Minnesota citizenship appliance (Ola and Kari are
typical Norwegian names, and the "lutefisk")
- The joke about the Norwegian dead guy
named Sven
- The joke about the Norwegian fisherman
marooned on an island
It should be noted though that the average Norwegian doesn't
play golf...
This is in no way a letter of camplaint,
I'm just curious and I have a sense of humour.
Also...if you want them, I've attached
some files that might be of interest.
Sincerely: The Norwegian
I replied:
Dear Kristoffer "The
Glad you like the site!
I have been trying to keep it up to date, but lately the
updates have slowed down due to me being very busy with
work. But I try!
Yes, Minnesota has a very
large population of Norwegian descendents. My mother is
half Norwegian and then mostly German. We've also got
a lot of Swedes in northern Minnesota. So it is a Minnesota
tradition to crack lots of Norwegian and Swedish jokes.
I have a friend who can
recite about 500 "Ole and Sven" jokes, one after
the other.
Tony Rogers
I was just visiting your website. I noticed
the picture of "Richard
Montgomery". First thing it is not a Word War II
photo, but a current photo of
the S.S. John W. Brown that has been doctored to say Richard
Montgomery. The
photo is copyrighted by the photographer. Project Liberty
Ship S.S. John W.
Brown has the right to use the photo. Our website is
Check it out.
Please remove the doctored photo. With
permission you can use a photo of the
BROWN or another liberty ship. Your info could point out
the Montgomery
looked like this liberty ship. Project Liberty Ship has
a photo archives. I
do not know if there is a photo of the Montgomery, but
I will check.
Diane Jerbi
Board of Directors
Please, I ask you:
Which is better?
Beretta 87 target or a Walther P22 target?
I am a beginner and I like training with
a pistol. I don't want to spend much!
Bye Bye.
Tony responded:
For accuracy in a target pistol, the Beretta
87 Target Cheetah wins hands down. It is designed specifically
to be a target pistol.
Whereas the Walther P22 is more of a "trail
gun" or "plinker".
However, the Beretta 87 will cost nearly
three times more than the Walther P22.
If you don't have much money to spend,
go for the Walther P22. It is a very decent pistol. Get
the extended barrel compensator model, or be willing to
upgrade to it and buy it later. It adds more weight to
the front of the pistol and offers a longer sight picture.
Hope that steers you in the right direction!
Tony Rogers
Dear Tony:
I represent a company called "Guardian
Angels Ltd" and we are registered suppliers to the
Kenya Police Force.
We have received an urgent enquiry from
the force for supply of spare parts for rifles and 9mm
pistols as per the attached document.
Please confirm if you would be in a position
to quote for the same and if so kindly respond with the
following information.
1. Price per Item FOB (Port)
2. Approximate weight (for freight Calculation)
Kindly bear in mind that the deadline
for the submission of the quote is March 01, 2005 so I
need your indicative prices by close of business Monday
28th Feb 2005.
The order can be supplied in parts so
please quote even if it is selectively.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours
Vicky Khurmi
Managing Director
Guardian Angels Ltd
P. O. Box 63504-00619
Email 1:
Email 2:
Tel 1: 00-254-722-526-837
Tel 2: 00-254-733-633-047
Fax No: 00-254-20-580-101
Tony Responds:
I don't sell gun parts.
Your website is as slanted as your president
Dan N.
(I replied: "Well of course
it is!")
Dear Sir:
Just to thank you for carrying Ben Stein's
last column,
which I just read. It is encouraging to read something
that is true and that I believe. You were fortunate to
have such a man contribute to your publication. I respect
Ben Stein because of what he wrote...please pass along
my immense thanks to him.
Ruth Lowe
Normal, Illinois
ANDY ROONEY is an incredible DIRT BAG.
His latest statement is that religion is all nonsense.
Go figure. (see Andy Rooney
Gets It Right)
John Fischer
Tony's Note:
Rooney didn't really say that. It is an urban
myth. Special thanks to Gordy for this tip...
01-29-2005 (My old buddy Ron
Siefert finally found the old pre-prom high school photos!)
Hi Tony!
Julie was looking online last night and
came across your website. We both had a really good laugh
looking at those pictures from our high
school prom. If I remember correctly, all of us went
to the Kitchi Gammi Club for dinner. My lasting memory
is Julie telling me that chocolate milk won't settle my
stomach and then puking outside my parents bedroom window
after Julie drove me home that evening. But I wasn't even
drunk, the seafood dinner did me in. (Tony's Note:
It was bad lobster.)
I also looked through
some of the other pictures on your website and had a lot
of fun seeing pictures of Mahle, Brozic, Osto, Golden,
Teri, Kristi, etc. It brings back a lot of memories including
some of
the parties at your house. I also had tears coming out
of my eyes at some of the other material you have on your
website. I especially liked your embellished story of
Brent Mahle in
Ron and Julie Siefert
Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Checking out your website. And I love
you Optical Illusion Pics on them. I was wondering what
the names of all of them are and the artist. It would
be great if you could email me that info. Great website.
Tony said: I don't know who made
those, but they are cool, huh?
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